To begin with, first, let us understand what exactly is a scalp massage. A simple massage that is focused on the scalp area is a scalp massage. There are many techniques of scalp massage based on personal preferences and the area of the scalp that is massaged. Scalp massage mainly involves the use of your fingers and at times the palm for effective rubbing of the scalp. Some devices available in the market are able to mimic the pressure of your finger-tips for effective massaging.
It is common knowledge that most of us accumulate lots of stress and tension towards the hairline, behind the ears, and neck. This could be due to excess stressing of those regions due to sedentary work lifestyles or even due to poor posture. We often disregard this tension; however, a good massage of the scalp could reverse the strain you feel as it is a highly relaxing experience. Best Oils To Use For A Scalp Massage
You may wonder about the need of using oil while massaging the hair. Well, oil works as a lubricant, without oil your hair could break easily under all the friction occurring while massaging. Other than this, oiling the scalp and hair and the aroma of the oil has many benefits, hence the following is a list of oil that could be used for scalp massage
Take two tablespoons of your carrier oil and massage it thoroughly on your scalp. You could select Organic Coconut Oil in case you have dandruff issues or a dry scalp. our peppermint essential oil works the best and it can be used to reverse damage caused by the environment or the heat appliances. Organic Sweet Almond oil could be utilized to condition and soothe an itchy scalp. You can use these oils directly or add a few drops of essential oils to further enhance your massage experience.
Wonderful 🤩
Amazing product for a relaxing massage